Sunday, October 19, 2008


The less you find a milkshake yummy,
The more you put it in your tummy
And hence the more you get fatter.
Perhaps 'twould be a different matter
If its taste were crummy.

The Charleston Gazette, 17 October 2008:

Brain's food reaction a weight factor

"The brains of young women were scanned while they drank milkshakes to test the level of satisfaction they got from the shake."

"Drink a milkshake and the pleasure center in your brain gets a hit of happy -- unless you're overweight."

"It sounds counterintuitive, but scientists ... concluded that when the brain doesn't sense enough gratification from food, people may overeat to compensate."

"The small but first-of-a-kind study could even predict who would pile on pounds during the next year: Those who harbored a gene that made their brain's yum factor even more sluggish."

"'The more blurred your response to the milkshake taste, the more likely you are to gain weight,' ..."

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