Thursday, September 11, 2008


I often wonder whether
Most couples shower together
And oft view each other nude,
And how many never are so lewd
As to reveal their delights nether?

How many do naked lap sits?
How many to them are opposites?
How many do the pelvic nuzzle?
How many with a crossword puzzle
Would rather test their wits?

Bare under-cover clinging
Conflicts not with upbringing.
But that's a different matter
Than, soaked with soapy water,
To be nude duet singing.

How many never discover,
Except by feeling under cover,
The secret hidden traces
Of the very private places
Of their own conjugal lover?

(Are you a person somewhat odd
If your loving spouse's bod
These years you've ever known
By feel and touch alone,
So help you, Almighty God?)

These parts, of course, a couple
Need not see to couple.
It doesn't prove their love's been cold
That they conceal them now they're old
And did when young and supple.

Perhaps, intimate though they are,
They wonder would they go too far
And what purpose would it serve
And would it the spouse deserve
Were they different than they are?

As long as they've been together
Joined as if by tether,
Though they used to couple oft,
'Twas never with their sheets off,
Not even in sultry weather.

If they showered in cahoots,
He and his loving toots,
Both in a steamy stall
For two persons quite too small,
They'd be in their swimming suits.

Could be, though, while one is no wise keen,
The other spouse is with envy green.
Or, in fact, they've not been coached
And neither has the subject broached
When peeking through the shower screen.

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