Sunday, January 6, 2008


As if lame in the brain,
We drove off in the rain
'Cause from taking a peek
At Jennings creek,
We could not refrain.

But as we drew near,
The skies became clear.
Then while leading the way,
T.C. and then I turned the wrong way
As soon as we got in gear.

Past a falls that amazes,
We returned to the blue blazes
And the rest of the day
Went out of our way
To be in the right places.

We were just Eric, his dog, and T.,
Nancy, T.C., Marshall, Laura, and me
As we were surmountin'
The trail up Cove Mountain
While enjoying the scenery.

'Twas while reflecting on Santa Claus
During a brief pause
That from Nancy I found out
That my shirt was inside out,
Though undimished by flaws.

When the top we crested,
For a while we rested.
And I had to think,
As I took a drink,
How great it tasted.

The view was hard to be topping
From the handy outcropping
Close to the shelter
Where, on rocks helter-skelter,
For lunch we were stopping.

Just like I'd heard Eric declare,
'Twas all downhill from there.
I'm speaking of elevation,
Not any negative sensation
Or troubles, I swear.

(8-mile NBATC hike: Jennings Creek and Little Cove Mountain, led by Eric Anderson, 6 Jan 09)

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